Unveiling Veganism: 11 Surprising Facts

Veganism: Nourishing the Body, Nurturing the Planet


Why You Might Rethink Your Meat and Dairy Consumption

Veganism, the lifestyle choice that shuns animal foods and their by-products, is thriving thanks to increasing awareness around climate, animal rights, nutrition, and overall wellness. The surge is evident from the UK’s statistics – from 2014 to 2019, the vegan population swelled fourfold. The Veganuary challenge in January 2022 saw a staggering 700,000 participants, nearly triple from 2019.

As we gear up for World Vegan Day on 1 November, let’s delve into some lesser-known facets of this green lifestyle:

  1. An Ancient Philosophy: Though veganism seems like a contemporary movement, its roots stretch back over two millennia. Interestingly, the term ‘vegan’ emerged only in 1944, thanks to Donald Watson, who established the first vegan society.
  2. An Eco-friendly Choice: Embracing veganism can slash your carbon footprint by 73%. Oxford researchers found that minimizing meat and dairy is the most effective personal action for environmental health.
  3. Animal Saviors: The Vegan Calculator indicates that an individual’s shift to veganism can spare hundreds of animals annually, though the exact count varies based on several factors.
  4. Conserving Resources: The resource-intensive nature of livestock farming means vegans conserve over 1.5 million liters of water, 1,000 square meters of forest, and 3,300kg of CO2 annually. Did you realize that producing one pound of beef requires around 8,000 liters of water?
  5. Busting the Protein Myth: Contrary to popular belief, vegan diets are protein-dense. Foods like lentils, beans, peas, nuts, mushrooms, broccoli, soya products, and even pasta are rich in protein. Calcium needs are met through pulses, green veggies, soya, and various plant-based milks.
  6. Alcohol & Veganism: Despite their primary ingredients, not all alcoholic beverages qualify as vegan. Filtration processes frequently use animal derivatives like isinglass, gelatine, egg whites, or milk protein. It’s crucial to read labels!
  7. Heart-healthy Lifestyle: Far from the frail image often associated with them, vegans often enjoy robust health. A diet dominated by plant-based foods and devoid of animal products has been linked to a decreased risk of heart diseases and type 2 diabetes.
  8. Celebrity Vegans: Icons like Benedict Cumberbatch, Madonna, Joaquin Phoenix, Michelle Pfeiffer, Zac Efron, and Alicia Silverstone champion vegan living. Additionally, athletes including Lewis Hamilton, Venus Williams, and Novak Djokovic have incorporated plant-based diets.
  9. Changing Perceptions: While veganism is now mainstream, it faced its share of skepticism in the past. A 2007 study showcased that of nearly 400 UK articles on veganism, just 5.5% had a positive stance, while a whopping 74.3% portrayed it negatively.
  10. UK’s Vegan Surge: As of 2023, Google Trends identified Germany, Austria, and the UK as the top sources of vegan-related searches. In 2020, the UK consumed a third of Europe’s vegan alternatives, and its intake of vegan milk, butter, cheese, and ready meals is unparalleled in Europe.
  11. Every Little Helps: Full-fledged veganism isn’t for everyone, but even small reductions matter. Abstaining from meat once a week for a year can save significant water, forest land, and cut greenhouse gas emissions. Similarly, reducing dairy has substantial environmental perks.

In essence, even if you don’t go completely vegan, making occasional vegan choices can notably benefit both the planet and your health. Why not experiment?